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Belfast Botanic Garden
Botanic Gardens, College Park Avenue, Botanic Avenue, Belfast, UK
+44 (0) 28 9031 4762
Belfast Botanic Gardens has a rose garden, an alpine garden, mature trees, flower beds and sculptures. It is the home to the ‘Ravine Tropical House’ and Palmhouse.
The large Palmhouse in the Botanic Gardens contains many temperate and subtropical plants, including ferns, in both formal and informal displays. The ‘Ravine’ Tropical House is a remarkable two-storey building containing a valley of tropical ferns and tree ferns as well as a section of Cycads and a giant Victoria water lily.
Check the website for seasonal opening times.
Read Peter Blake's article about our Visit to the Tropical Ravine at Belfast Botanic Gardens.
Ferns you might see at
Belfast Botanic Garden
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